2024. A social ecological model of education: Economic problems, citizenship solutions. The Journal of Environmental Education 55(3), 249-266.
2024. Education and full employment in the Capitalocene: Political possibilities, ecological imperatives. The Journal of Environmental Education, 55(2), 180-190.
2023. Social ecology and the school-to-work-transition: Global prospects for sustainable development. Globalisation, Societies and Education.
2020. How big should the economy be? Geography Bulletin 52(1), 33-41.
2020. How Big Should the Economy Be: An Educational Imperative. New Economy Journal 2(4).
2017. Student activism: An exploration of pre-service teacher engagement. Australian Universities’ Review 59(1), 47-57.
2017. Teaching for sustainability: The role of (benefit) corporations. Geographical Education 30, 24-30.
Also, below is a paper I presented at the 2019 Australian Geography Teachers’ Association’s conference. It’s similar to the article above ‘How big should the economy be?’ but is applied to the senior Australian Curriculum: Geography, rather than the NSW junior geography syllabus.