October 2023

Social Ecology and Me

By |2024-01-06T04:18:32+00:002023-10-23|Ecology, Human Well-Being|

Social Ecology and Me

I recently had a paper accepted in The Journal of Environmental Education, that develops an original model of education based on Murray Bookchin’s theory of social ecology. During the peer-review process, I came into contact with the work of Stuart Hill, who was the Foundation Chair of Social Ecology at the University of Western Sydney. Under his leadership, social ecology has four inter-related domains: the personal, social, ecological, and spiritual/unknown, of which, according to Hill, the personal is the most important. My original manuscript only made reference to the social and ecological domains, […]

November 2022

Human Happiness and Economic Growth: The Easterlin Paradox

By |2023-12-14T22:36:50+00:002022-11-10|Economics, Human Well-Being|

Human Happiness and Economic Growth: The Easterlin Paradox

I originally wrote this article in October 2020 – better to publish it here now than have it sit on my hard drive forever!

So Australia has officially entered its first recession in 29 years. Heads are hanging in parliament and a chorus of concern is rising. But the most important question is not being asked: what is the purpose of it all?

Since antiquity some philosophers and religious leaders, in both the East and West, have held that the final purpose of a human life is happiness. Buddha based his teaching on […]

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