November 2024

February 2024

What is the Capitalocene?

By |2024-04-15T20:30:18+00:002024-02-13|Economics, History, Politics, Science|

What is the Capitalocene?

This piece was one I was preparing for The Conversation but was eventually rejected by the editor as not being fit for purpose. While this was disappointing to me, I figured I might as well post it here rather than letting it rot on my hard drive. What follows was the latest edit:

The word “Capitalocene” was coined in 2009 by Swedish professor of human ecology Andreas Malm, and is slowly becoming more widely used.

The word comes from ‘Capital’, as in capitalism, and ‘-ocene’, which refers to a measure of geological time, […]

June 2023

What is the Anthropocene?

By |2024-02-13T23:20:22+00:002023-06-05|History, Science|

What is the Anthropocene?

I started out writing a blog called ‘What is the Capitalocene?’, to help disseminate a paper that I wrote, and recently had accepted for publication, called ‘Education and Full Employment in the Capitalocene‘. However, I decided to split off the science-based part of the blog here, so as to keep the length more manageable.

Recently I was discussing the ecological crisis (e.g. biodiversity decline, climate change, etc.) with a senior class, and asked them what they thought was the cause of the problem. A girl in the back called out:


This answer is precisely the view […]

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