August 2021


By |2023-12-14T23:47:54+00:002021-08-29|Creative Writing|


The train ride was like any other in the early afternoon, so much space that one could watch the urban labyrinth flit by while sitting down. During rush hour people would gush in like water, filling the space completely and evenly, businesslike, without waste. The buildings of the outside world flashing by would be obscured, making for a tedious journey of staring at one’s shoes, the ads near the ceiling, or the back of the next salaryman’s neck. On rare occasions someone next to me would have the courage to practice his English, and state in a halting, monotonous […]

September 2018

On Time

By |2023-12-14T23:46:57+00:002018-09-26|Creative Writing, Education, Science|

On Time

Regardless of the object of study, learning takes time. Some lessons might take only a few minutes, others may take a lifetime. In the latter case, one may decide the object of study is not worth pursuing.

When I was in high school I was fascinated by Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and, in those pre-Internet days, read as much as I could on the subject in the few books available. Although special relativity (which deals exclusively with inertial frames of reference, or those which are non-accelerating) can be studied by anyone with high school mathematics, general relativity (that dealing […]

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