Jason van Tol is a PhD candidate in the School of International Studies and Education at the University of Technology Sydney. His research explores what young people understand about and how they respond to relationships of power, for which he has published an original model of education based on the theory of social ecology.
The core idea of social ecology is that ecological problems stem from social problems, so to fix our ecological problems, we need to fix our social problems, especially those involving power. The relationships of power between education, the economy, and ecological sustainability are those that his PhD investigates, and citizenship education is the means proposed to address our social ecological crisis. His most recent research interest is in the possibility that active citizenship education can also contribute to human well-being.
Jason has worked in education for 20 years as a physics, math, English as a second language (ESL), and social studies teacher in Australia, Canada, Japan, and the Bahamas.
He spent four years living on an intentional and certified organic farming community in the hinterland of Byron Bay where he received a thorough on-the-ground education in sustainability, permaculture, organic farming, ecology, and intentional community living. See the About page for how this experience led him to his PhD.
The oldest content on the site is from Jason’s undergraduate work in physics and engineering, with more recent content deriving from his masters in education, and PhD.